
Welcome to the Self Help Hub's guide to supporting services & resources - listed under this section B are resources supporting the following subject areas: BAME resources, Bereavement, Pet Bereavement, Bipolar Disorder, BDD, Body Image, BTEC's and Bullying.  Click below to find more details. 

The term 'global majority' refers to people who are "black, Asian, brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and or have been racialised as 'ethnic minorities'" and who "represent approximately 80% of the world's population" - Rosemary Campbell-Stephens, educator and activist.

“Black lives matter, Black cultures matter, Black communities matter, and we matter.” – Sir Marcus Rashford, Footballer

Global Majority - video

BAME Helpline (Wales)
0300 222 5720 or 07537 432 416 (text service)
Multi-lingual helpline providing signposting support for individuals from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities across a range of areas including health, work, welfare entitlements, education, housing & personal safety.

Information about collectives, organisations and services that offer mental health and wellbeing support to the Black community.

Training movement dedicated to healing, wellness and liberation of black and marginalised communities.  Toolkit and resources section. 

Black History Month is all about celebrating black lives - the Black History Month theme for October 2023 was 'saluting our sisters'. 

BLAM UK are dedicated to ensuring the all-round wellbeing of young Black members of their community in Brixton and other boroughs of London and run a series of projects and produce guides for all such as the Guide to Being Anti-Racist.

BMM's mission is to connect Black individuals and families with free mental health services — by professional Black therapists to support their mental health. To make this happen, they want to make mental health topics more relevant and accessible for all Black people in the U.K., removing the stigma and remodelling the services to be relevant for the Black community.

BOLOH 0800 151 2605
Boloh is Barnardo’s helpline and webchat for 11+ year olds and provides culturally informed signposting, advice and therapeutic support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children, young people and families affected by the pandemic. The helpline service now also supports the mental health and wellbeing of adult asylum seekers across the UK. 

Breaking the Silence provide a completely confidential service for men of Asian, African and African-Caribbean origin, aged 13 and over across a wide range of issues.  Their experienced counsellors are qualified in a range of therapies. 

Wellbeing services for Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) and LGBTQ adult (over 18) residents in Hounslow Borough.  Services available include counselling, advice, advocacy, 6 week mindfulness course, African dance workshops and an
LGBTQ mental health drop-in group.

CHILDLINE - Racism and Racial Bullying
No one has the right to make you feel bad or abuse you for who you are.  Find information and advice about racism and racial bullying.

Offers mental health services in Wales for people from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

FORWARD (Foundation for Womens Health Research & Development)
The leading African-led organisation working to end violence against women and girls providing information and support on VAWG (violence against women & girls) such as female genital mutilation, child marriage and more.

Imkaan provides a collective voice for the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) ending violence against women and girls sector.
Imkaan do not offer crisis support services but advocate and train and provide resources and links to access a range of BME support information.

LIBERATE - Meditation App
Liberate is 'the #1 meditation app for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour community' to help 'reduce anxiety, stress less and sleep better'. See The HYCS' app zone for more details. 

TAPPING SOLUTION - Racial Anxiety Relief Tapping Meditation.
Dr Silas, a specialist in anxiety and trauma created a Tapping meditation for "Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour to experience some ease from the anxiety (alongside many other emotions)... The pain we are feeling is justified, and our bodies still need a break. Whether you are having trouble sleeping, experiencing headaches, stomachaches, or a racing heart, we need to take care of ourselves so that we can connect to our own power".

YOUTH ACCESS - Make Our Rights Reality - Black Lives Matter Blog
Self care tips and resources in times of racial trauma. 

For specialist counselling support - see under Counselling in the HYCS' A-Z Directory. 

Check out the HYCS' Self Care Kit which contains many different resources including the  'Words to Inspire' section for powerful poetry, lyrics and more including work by Caleb Femi, Mark Arthur and the Poetry Foundation's collection of poems of protest, resistance & empowerment.  


Podcast highlighting wellness, spirituality and health from the Black Woman's perspective. Available on Instagram, iTunes, Spotify and Google Play. 

- BLAM UK - Black History Bites Podcast, BLAM UK

HEY GIRL, Podcast - Alex Elle
Elle also has an Instagram feed that offers affirmations and reminders like “We are never alone in our struggles” and “You don’t have to be okay. Healing isn’t linear,”

- Still Breathing, 100 Black Voices on Racism book by Suzette Lewellyn & Suzanne Packer 
"We cannot change the past but we can change the consequences of the past for the better by means of education. This book is part of that education.

"A cast of 100 voices across Britain and gathering strength from the wider Pan African community, this book reveals both hopes and frustrations. Whether actress, poet, shopkeeper, Member of Parliament, Dame, or doctor, each shares about racism and adds to a colorful tapestry of optimism so future generations can pause, take stock and keep breathing".

A weekly podcast about all things mental health, personal development and more for black women and girls. Includes find a therapist directory.

Grief is a natural part of the mourning process following the loss (bereavement) of a friend, family member, pet or someone important to us. 

Grieving is a very individual process and there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to feel following a loss. Your feelings may change from day to day, from moment to moment – shock, anger, disbelief, sadness, relief and numbness are all very common symptoms. The things that feel helpful in coping with these feelings will also vary from person to person.

So if you or someone you know needs support or advice after a loss, here are just some of the many options available to you offering both emotional and/or practical support.

Aching Arms aims to help and support you when you’ve experienced the heartbreak of losing your baby, during pregnancy, at birth or soon after.

0207 263 6947
Free, self referral bereavement support for people who are 18+ and identify as Black, Asian or any other minority ethnicity and who have been affected by the death of a loved one due to Covid-19. Multilingual support is available. BRAKE UKSupport for those bereaved by death on the road such as following a car crash. Information including practical information and guides including Guide for Bereaved Families – link here. 

0800 02 888 40
Support for families and young people around the loss of a child.  Bereavement resources also available in a range of languages including Welsh, Farsi, Arabic, Danish, Ukrainian, Spanish, Swedish and more - multilingual resources here. 

0800 282 986
Support for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, under any circumstances.  Phone answered by trained volunteers who also have experience of a child's death.  

Support and information about help around a death with a section for young people (link above).

0345 123 2304
Support when a child of any age dies, through any cause.  Special CF info pack and resources for sibling bereavement - link here to their A Sibling's Grief leaflet.

Coping with seasonal celebrations can be difficult - read their 'Coping with Christmas' leaflet - link here. 

Providing emotional and practical support for anyone attending an inquest. Helpline open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm or Saturday 9am-2p

CRUSE 0808 808 1677
CruseChat | Chat online with a grief counsellor  (for over 18's only)
National bereavement charity supporting over 18's - see Hope Again for CRUSE youth division.

01483 799 066
Advice and support for the bereaved and survivors of major disasters in the UK and overseas.

0300 888 3853
Provides a 7-day-a-week lifeline of safe, caring and professional support to families, friends, partners and significant others who are struggling to cope with a loved one’s addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling. They also support those bereaved by drugs, alcohol, gambling and related causes.

Through a range of services, which also include education and awareness, they support families to break free from the cycle of addiction and rebuild their lives.

Support groups for those bereaved by suicide developed by the Samaritans and Cruse Bereavement Care.

0800 024 6121
Useful information about what is involved in arranging a funeral, including types of funerals and a guide to costs plus a guide to the work of a coroner.

Providing 'help and hope in one place', everyone at the Good Grief Trust has lost someone they love, so they want to help you find the support you need as quickly as possible. You will find stories from others who have had a similar loss, practical and emotional support and signposting to a choice of immediate tailored local and national support on each of our pages below.

GGT provides useful information, advice and encouraging stories from others to help you in this most difficult of times and to find a way forward with your life.

020 8371 8455
0808 802 0111
Grief Talk service - online chat.  Also produce Grief Guide for Teenagers available free on the site. Supports bereaved children and their families to help alleviate the pain caused by the death of someone close.

Support After Someone May have Died by Suicide (free download)

An online tool by Winston’s Wish, a charity supporting bereaved children and young people. It aims to help young people who have experienced the death of a loved one come to terms with their loss.  Advice and tips on coping with your grief, resources, podcasts and reading lists to help you come to terms with the death of someone close to you.

0808 808 1677
Hope Again is Cruse Bereavement Care's website for young people.
CRUSE is a national charity that provides support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone close to them dies. 

0207 263 1111 (Mon-Fri)
A charity supporting and offering information to anyone bereaved by a death in custody or in detention.

bereaved families - 0808 802 6868
professionals/parents - 0808 802 6869
Specialist support for bereaved families, raising awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and promoting expert advice on safer baby sleep. Work with the NHS, we run a national service for bereaved parents, supporting families before and after the birth of their new baby.

01924 200799
Losing a baby during pregnancy can be a very unhappy, frightening and lonely experience. The Miscarriage Association helps by offering support and information for anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.

Support for Muslim parents after the death of a child offering face to face groups and a helpline support with trained, female volunteers in various languages.

0800 448 0800
The National Bereavement Partnership provides a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from anxiety, grief or mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whether you need help with legal or practical matters or grief and mourning counselling, the National Bereavement Service can help you find the support you need.
Produce a series of guides including:
- What to do When Someone Dies

The baby loss counselling charity. Petals provide a free, specialist counselling service to support women, men and couples through the devastation of any baby loss caused through pregnancy complications, or death of a baby whatever the cause. 

SANDS - 0808 164 3332 helpline@sands.org.uk
Mobile app - sands.org.uk/app
The Sands National Helpline provides a safe, confidential place for anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby, whether your baby died long ago or recently, they are here for you.

SOBS – Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) (for over 18's only)
0300 111 5065 9am-9pm every day
An opportunity to talk confidentially with someone who has been bereaved by suicide and to know that you are not alone in your experience.

Practical step by guide explaining what to do when someone dies - from registering the death to arranging the funeral and informing the authorities.

A bereavement charity for men aged 18+ to help men tackle the mental, emotional and physical health conditions brought about by bereavement.   Sign up for their newsletter, read the blog or contact the Man2Man service for peer support.

0800 2600 400
10-4pm Monday to Friday
Support and resources for anyone bereaved by a sudden death.

We focus on one-on-one professional support through talking therapies offering our Counselling Service and Helpline that are staffed by bereavement counsellors for anyone impacted by bereavement by suicide.

Many resources on their website for you to explore that can support different aspects of your grief journey (e.g. books and podcast recommendations).

0121 472 2912
Specially trained volunteers, who have been bereaved in this way, can help to support you and your family after this type of bereavement. SAMM provides a wide range of peer support services regardless of how long ago you lost a loved one. SAMM support close relatives, wider family members and communities including people affected by mass fatality events. Even if a loss has affected you as a bereaved friend, SAMM will support you.

The Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP) is the UK's national hub for organisations and individuals working across the UK to support people who have been bereaved or affected by suicide.

07707 126650
Accept referrals for any young person aged 16-25 who lives in England. You can refer yourself or on someone’s behalf if you have their consent.   Can provide Bereavement Care Packages, help fund therapy and activities for bereaved families and more.

Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go using one simple form and is available in every area of England, Scotland and Wales.

WAY - Widowed & Young
WAY offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, inclusive of sexual orientation, gender, race and religion

WINSTON'S WISH - 0808 8020 021
WW Crisis Messenger Service 24/7 - text WW to 85258
Winston’s Wish supports children and young people helping them to rebuild their life after a family bereavement.  For parents and carers, the family line offers practical support and guidance to anyone concerned about a grieving young person.

Winston’s Wish also offers bespoke individual bereavement support to children, young people (up to 25) and families. Their experienced Helpline team can also provide immediate guidance, advice, resources and support to families bereaved by suicide and the professionals supporting them. 

Taking place in early December each year, NGAW aims to raise awareness of all aspects of grief and loss on a national scale and to open conversations about and normalise grief.  It hopes to offer access to a choice of tailored bereavement support to all those grieving in the UK and to those working with the bereaved, supporting immediate access to support for all types of bereavement and to help the public to better understand how to support those grieving the loss of someone they love. 


- My Grief Handbook by Beck Ferrari, David Trickey

Includes first-hand experiences from young people who have been through grief, to show how the ideas could work in real life. By getting to know how we are processing grief, we can start getting on with it - working alongside it and moving forward.

You Will Be OK - Julie Stokes
'Find strength, stay hopeful and get to grips with grief' with this illustrated book which can help you when someone in your life has died. 

- WELLCAST - The Grieving Process - Coping with Death Video Link 

The Plain Guide To Grief - Dr John Wilson

A book more for young adults and above  which helps you to manage your unique grief journey after the challenging loss of a loved one - what you might expect in the weeks, months and years ahead.   Written in accessible, simple language.  Includes chapter on loss around COVID.

- Michael Rosen's Sad Book

A book about grief and loss that is suitable for ages 7+.  Follows the author's grief following the death of his son from meningitis at the age of 19. 'A moving combination of sincerity and simplicity, it acknowledges that sadness is not always avoidable or reasonable and perfects the art of making complicated feelings plain'.

- My Name Is Zac - This Is My Story by Emily Wilcox

A booklet about bereavement and loss created in a simple, comic book style. 

0800 096 6606
Support for those grieving for the loss of a pet whether through death, parting or enforced separation, which can be a sad and very difficult experience. The Blue Cross Pet Bereavement Support Service is able to help you through this often traumatic time. Open 8:30am-8:30pm every day and all calls are free and confidential*.

CATS' PROTECTION - Paws to Listen
0800 024 94 94
Confidential phone line support for any cat owners suffering grief or bereavement for a loved pet.

BRITISH HORSE SOCIETY - Friends at the End
Support for any horse owner to ensure that they do not face losing their companion alone - before, during or afterwards.

Support with planning end of life options for your pet horse.

A national charity supporting individuals with bipolar disorder and also their families and carers.

Provides information, support and advice for people affected by bipolar disorder

ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRISTS- Leaflet Bipolar for Young People.
One of a range of leaflets on mental health issues. 

YOUNG MINDS - Guide to Bipolar Disorder for Young People
Information about signs, symptoms and treatment options for Bipolar disorder in young people.

You may also find it helpful to look at resources in other sections of this directory including P for pain, H for health conditions.

ANXIETY UK - Toilet Phobia Fact Sheet
Anxiety UK are specialists in anxiety support including 'toilet phobia' which can affect anyone and is more common than you may realise.  Toilet phobia may include worries about using a public loo, of not being able to go to the toilet, of being caught out too far from a toilet or concerns that others may be listening or watching.   

- Download their Toilet Phobia Fact Sheet here

- Access the National Phobics Society booklet Toilet Phobia: Breaking the Silence here. 

BLADDER & BOWEL COMMUNITY - Just Can't Wait Card & App
Access a free card or digital Just Can't Wait card to give you the benefit of discreet and clear communication for those moments where you just can’t wait to use the toilet.

0161 214 4591.
Contact for advice on bladder and bowel health, continence promotion and options for managing incontinence, products, as well as signposting to services. 
Link here to their Resources Library. 

Standard accessible toilets may not meet the needs of those with profound and multiple learning disabilities.  Changing Places toilets however are different to standard disabled toilets with extra features and more space to meet these needs.

CROHNS & COLITIS UK - 0300 2225700
Support and information from symptoms to management tips and links to support such as IBD nurses for anyone concerned about or diagnosed with Crohn's or Colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease. 

ERIC - The Children's Bowel & Bladder Charity 0808 169 9949
ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health and to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families.

Find (or add) a loo near you wherever you are in the UK.

National charity supporting people living with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS who provide support, accurate and up-to-date information and advice and who work alongside specialist healthcare professionals to help facilitate self-management. Offer a self care programme (follow link), fact sheets.

0300 222 5700
Crohn’s and Colitis campaign website - thousands of people with Crohn's and Colitis are suffering in silence - ITG want to change that but need your help with their campaign. 

Access a range of free downloads here about toilet anxiety and how to manage it. 

BDD FOUNDATION (Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation)
Information and support for anyone with BDD (Body dysmorphic disorder) which is a diagnosable anxiety disorder related to body image. It involves a preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in appearance, which is/are unnoticeable to others.  

NHS - Information about Body Dysmorphia.

CCI - Resources
Downloadable, free resources about body dysmorphia.

“We ain’t picture perfect but we worth the picture still.” – J. Cole, Crooked Smile.

National campaign to promote body confidence - the Be Real Campaign is determined to change attitudes to body image and help all of us put health above appearance and be confident in our bodies. It is a national movement made up of individuals, schools, businesses, charities and public bodies.

BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation
Advice and support for anyone with or supporting someone with BDD.  Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is characterised by a preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in appearance, which is/are unnoticeable to others.

INTERNET MATTERS - Pressure to Be Perfect - Making Instagram Work for You
Download a free guide here giving advice and tips for young people about using Instagram tools to customise the experience and keep things positive. 

NEDA - 10 Steps to Positive Body Image
A few ideas from the National Eating Disorders Association to help turn negative body thoughts to healthier, more positive ones.  

Funded by The National Lottery and developed by Sport England, This Girl Can wants to help women and girls overcome the fear of judgement that is stopping too many women and girls from joining in.

If you're struggling with body image, here’s some ideas from Young Minds that might help you.


Perfectly Imperfect: Compassionate Strategies to Cultivate a Positive Body Image

Body Positive Power: How to stop dieting, make peace with your body and live

BTEC diplomas are specialist practical and vocational (work-related) qualifications.  They can be studied at different levels and are commonly offered as an alternative to A Levels by many 6th form colleges and educational establishments.

BTEC stands for Business and Technology Education Council.

Facts about BTEC diplomas: who they are for, the different types, how they are taught, what you need to get on one, and what you can do afterwards. 

Information about BTECs.

If you are being bullied, reach out for help - see some supporting organisations below.   If you are being bullied online you may also find it helpful to check out our section on Online Safety here.

For details about the annual Anti Bullying Week (November) and Odd Socks Day awareness campaigns - click here.

Advice and support resources - for parents, carers and anyone being bullied. 
Link here to a 'top tips' anti-bullying guide.

BULLYING UK (Family Lives)
0808 800 2222
Resources and information on all aspects of bullying including cyberbullying.

CHILDLINE - 0800 1111
24/7 confidential support for young people to age 18 about anything that's worrying you.  Call, chat online or email.  Section on bullying and cyberbullying and how to cope here. 

EACH (Educational Action Challenging Homophobia) - 0808 1000 143
Provide services to inspire lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality including a telephone helpline.
EACH provides a free and confidential, homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying reporting service for children and young people up to 18 years of age. If you have been a target of this bullying you can call the freephone Helpline on 0808 1000 143 (Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 4:30pm).

Government website about the law and regulations relating to bullying.   Access to information about bullying at school.

KIDSCAPE - 0845 1 205 204
Mon-Fri 10.00am – 4.00pm
Advice for parents, carers and young people about bullying.

BULLYING UK - 0808 800 2222
Part of Family Lives - BullyingUK is a leading anti-bullying charity in the UK providing practical information and advice for young people and their parents. 

Support and advice about all aspects of safe internet use including online safety and cyberbullying.  This site is run by the 
National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team who im to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse.

Terms & Conditions - the information provided here is for your convenience and information; it does not imply HYCS' endorsement of these third party organisations or their content nor is it intended to replace advice from trained professionals. Please see our full terms & conditions here.