
Welcome to the Self Help Hub's guide to supporting services & resources - listed under this section L are resources supporting the following subject areas: Law & legal advice, Learning Support, Learning Tools, Leaving Care, LGBTQIAA, Loneliness, and Looked After Children/Young People, Love. 

Click below to find more details.

Provide specialist advice and information on child, family and education law to parents, carers and young people.

Children’s Legal Centre, part of the Coram group of charities, specialises in law and policy affecting children and young people. CLC run the Migrant Childrens Project -
Email for guidance or support or download the MCP leaflet.

Give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem. Their network of charities offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.

Advocacy Helpline 0808 800 5792 or Text/Whatsapp 07758 670369
Childrens' rights organisation - if you are in care, leaving care, have a social worker or need one, Coram Voice offer information and advice. 

DEFENDANT - 0300 1245098
Defendant is a not-for-profit organisation providing emotional and practical support for defendants.

It provides practical and emotional support to defendants struggling to navigate the criminal justice system, via a website and a helpline. The organisation helps those who have been accused to access information about procedure and timelines and mental health support. 

LawStuff provides free legal information to children and young people.  Run by Coram Children’s Legal Centre, which provides more detailed information both over the phone and online.

- National Family Law Line - 020 7251 6577 for women in England and Wales 
- London Family Law Line - 020 7608 1137 for women who need family law advice.
Rights of Women help provide free confidential advice by women solicitors and barristers.

Champions the human rights of people with disabilities, working to develop the skills and culture necessary to understand people’s needs and improve their quality of life.  Helps those supporting people with complex needs to champion rights, ensure excellent support and continually improve practice.

Help to make things better for people with learning disabilities in the UK and sometimes overseas.

If you require information or advice regarding any educational issue that is the result of a child’s special educational needs or disability (SEND), please either book an appointment online to speak with one of their volunteers or consult the website which has a wealth of legal advice and resources.

A visual method of supporting or replacing speech, primarily aimed at young children or people with learning difficulties and those who care for them. Access free resources by signing up at their website.

0808 8908 3555 (national line)
For Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) issues, you can contact SENDIASS to get impartial and confidential advice, covering educational matters, social care and health entitlements, information and support.
Hounslow Borough Contact:
020 8583 2607 

Educational learning tools and revision aids by age group.


Free online spelling and grammar checker.

Grammar and plagiarism checker.

0800 023 2033 (10am - 5pm), advice@becomecharity.org.uk,
The national charity for children in care and leaving care offering help and advice online or over the phone. Fact sheets, information and a dedicated helpline for young people - they say 'We really know our stuff about the care system and what everyone’s rights and entitlements are!'

COMPLETE UNIVERSITY GUIDE  Applying to University as Care Leaver
Information about the support available, including financial and other support, for those leaving care if applying for university. 

Advocacy Helpline 0808 800 5792 or Text/Whatsapp 07758 670369
Childrens' rights organisation - if you are in care, leaving care, have a social worker or need one, Coram Voice offer information and advice. 

0207 340 7668
A voice for teenagers in care and care leavers.  It is somewhere you can share stories, experiences and achievements, get and give advice, and find loads of great free stuff!  Free podcast, life hacks and more.

NYAS - National Youth Advisory Service
Helpline 0808 808 1001
NYAS champion and support the voices and rights of care experienced children and young people. Provides a wide range of support, advice and information including Helpline.  

A national charity aiming to help people when times get tough including providing financial support to help get people back on track.  Advice and information include a guide to benefits for Care Leavers (follow link above). 

For resources for LGBTQIAA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning, Intersex, Allies, Asexual) please take a look at other sections including - Asexuality, S - Sexuality or G for Gender.  You may also wish to download our HYCS Gender and Sexuality pocket guide leaflet.

Other sources of information and support include:

EACH (Educational Action Challenging Homophobia) - 0808 1000 143
Provide services to inspire lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality including a telephone helpline.
EACH provides a free and confidential, homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying reporting service for children and young people up to 18 years of age. If you have been a target of this bullying you can call the freephone Helpline on 0808 1000 143 (Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 4:30pm) or use their online self-reporting tool.

ELOP 07908 553744 
Access services via self referral or via a supportive professional:
- ELOP Youth Groups for LGBTQ+ young people aged 12-18 provide a safe, inclusive, and affirmative space to make friends, take part in fun activities and share experiences with other LGBTQ+ young people. Runs every Tuesday evening online on Teams at the following times:

  • 12-15s 5:00-6:30PM

  • 15-18s 7:00-8:30PM

 - ELOP 18-25s Group provides a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ young people aged 18-25 to meet other members of the community, share experiences, take part in fun activities, and talk all things LGBTQ+. They run every 2ND and 4TH Monday of the month online on Teams, from 7-8.30PM.

ELOP Mentoring Free 1-2-1 mentoring service for young LGBTQ+ people aged 12-24 with issues and concerns relevant to their lived experiences. Youth mentoring is not therapy or a clinical intervention and should not be used as an alternative should either be needed. Sessions are usually weekly, for 6 weeks and last for up to one hour per session.  

Download the Switchboard LGBT+'s Emotional Wellbeing Guide here.

Mental Health Booklet
This is a a resource to support the
mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex young people.

020 7832 5848 
An organisation offering information and support for trans youth including youth groups for young trans people, non-binary and questioning young people aged under 21*. 

No matter how you identify, Gendered Intelligence's trans youth groups are open to all young trans people - whether you're brand new to identifying as trans, still questioning your identity, or if you consider yourself to be post-transition or as having a trans history.

If you are LGBTQIA+ you may have faced difficult experiences, like discrimination and stigma which  can affect mental health - mental health charity mind provide a range of resources to support wellbeing.

MIND OUT (18+,Brighton and Hove)
Mental health support run by and for the LGBTQ community in Brighton and Hove.

0300 330 5468
A confidential emotional, mental health national support helpline by Mind for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary.

The MindLine Trans+ provides a safe place to talk about feelings confidentially. They have volunteers with lived experience of Trans+ or are Allies responding to your calls.

THE PROUD TRUST - Young People's Resources
Helpful information covering a range of different things such as coming out, faith and religion, and staying safe. You’ll also find stories and experiences from other LGBT+ people in the “People like me” section.

A range of resources and campaigning ideas to support the LGBTQ+ community.
- Stonewall Young Futures area which supports young LGBTQ+ people who are considering next steps - link here. 
- Student Voice - for anyone interested in setting up an LGBTQ+ society in this school, Stonewall have created this helpful Student Voice guide for download - link here.

STONEWALL - Glossary of LGBTQ terms
Stonewall has created a glossary of terms but they advise: "When using language relating to the LGBTQ+ community, the most important thing is to be kind and respectful. If you’re ever unsure how a person describes themselves and wants to be described by others, just ask".

08088 010818
The Survivors' Trust is the largest umbrella agency for specialist rape and sexual abuse services in the UK and produces a wide range of resources including: 

- 'Check with Me First' video

Raises awareness of the challenges that survivors of sexual abuse face when accessing healthcare services, and to promote a trauma-informed approach to the provision of care for service users.

- Grounding Techniques Booklet (Download)
Ideas on how to cope with flashbacks and distress for survivors.

- Survivors' Trust & Brook - Tips for Young People, a guide for survivors of sexual abuse, assault and trauma.
A guide for people who have been affected by sexual violence or abuse to offer tips about accessing sexual health services.Click here to take a look.

- Survivors' Trust - Guides for LGBT+ Survivors
A range of guides for LGBT+ survivors affected by rape, sexual assault and/or sexual abuse.


- Queerly Autistic - The Ultimate Guide for LGBTQIA Teens on the Spectrum by Erin Ekins
Described as the 'comprehensive survival guide for LGBTQIA autistic teens'.   It also includes resources including book recommendations, links and YouTube videos, all of which can also be found here: https://queerlyautistic.com/resources/.

- The Trans Self Care Workbook by Theo Nicole Lorenz
A creative journal and workbook combining colouring pages that celebrate trans identity, beauty and relationships plus with practical advice, journaling prompts and space for reflection to promote self-affirmation and wellbeing.

- The Trans Affirmation Colouring Book by Theo Nicole Lorenz
Includes 10 colouring pages celebrating trans identity, beauty, and relationships.

- The Trans Teen Survival Guide
 Practical, empowering advice for trans and non binary teens on how to navigate everything from coming out, clothes and pronouns, to wearing binders or packers, hormone therapy and self-care.

- The Awesome Autistic Guide for Trans Teens _
A user friendly guide for awesome autistic teens providing explanations, tips and activities, examples of famous trans and gender divergent people on the autism spectrum.  Covers concerns such as coming out, masking, gender identities, changing your name, common issues trans and gender divergent people face and ways to help overcome them.

Ellen Jones
Ellen Jones is an award-winning campaigner who speaks and writes on  LGBTQ+ rights, mental health,  autism & gender.   Vlogs available on her website and You Tube channel.

What's It Like to be Intersex (Video)
Video explaining first hand experiences of being intersex.


Offers a range of services run by Metro and NAZ -  including counselling, HIV/Aids support and more, including:
(over 18s only, Hounslow Borough)
An LGBTQ community space, with a focus on wellbeing offering a social group for the LGBTQ adult (over 18) community with a wellbeing focus which will be running every Tuesday between 3-4pm at  Hounslow Art Centre. To join, please email catriona.scott@metrocharity.org.uk.

SAFE SPACE - 020 8572 8842
A youth group for LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in Hounslow Borough launches 21 Jan 25.  Run by Hounslow PHAB, it will run on Tuesdays between 5-8pm at Hounslow Youth Centre, Kingsley Road, Hounslow TW3 1QA 

WILDMIND PROJECT (Hounslow, Kingston & Richmond)
Local support for 11-25 year olds in Hounslow, Kingston and Richmond (UK).  Self refer or via a professional.  The Wild Mind Project is offering a safe, confidential space in nature for you to share your feelings with young people who are also struggling. Nature can help, it really can, and creative activities give you the chance to express yourself without judgment. 
Check out the website to find details of the next programme in your area for you to join.  Typically a 4 or 5 week programme of 2 hour sessions.

Being alone and loneliness are different things.  Sometimes people enjoy having quiet time alone, feeling happy in their own company.  Loneliness however can leave you feeling isolated and alone, even when in a crowd. 

If you need help with loneliness, consider reaching out for help using the links below:

CHARLIE WALLER TRUST - Coping with Loneliness
Strategies for managing loneliness.

CHILDLINE - 0800 1111
24/7 confidential support for young people to age 18 about anything that's worrying you.  Call, chat online or email. 24/7 - read their article about loneliness and isolation here

MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION - 15 Things To Do If You're Feeling Lonely for Young People
Link here to a free, downloadable booklet with 15 tips and ideas for any young person who is feeling lonely.

Link here to information about loneliness by mental health charity Mind.

The Warm Welcome Campaign wants everyone in the UK to find a place of belonging and reconnection with free access to welcoming, warm community spaces.
Find a Warm Space near you - click here.

(For 16-25 year olds in Hammersmith & Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Boroughs)
Offering free 1:1 sessions, peer groups, and social activities, the YANA Project aims to help young people, aged 16 – 25 who are feeling isolated and lonely, make new connections in a fun and interactive way.   The service is open to young people in the above boroughs only.
- Download the YANA leaflet here.
- Watch the YANA video here to find out more.  Interested? link to self referral form here.

Information about loneliness and how to combat it.

Video supporting diversity and inclusion. 

Terms & Conditions - the information provided here is for your convenience and information; it does not imply HYCS' endorsement of these third party organisations or their content nor is it intended to replace advice from trained professionals. Please see our full terms & conditions here. 

