Welcome to the Self Help Hub's guide to supporting services & resources - listed under this section I, J & K are resources supporting the following subject areas: Identity Theft, Immigration, Inclusion, Incontinence, Introversion, Intersectionality, Jobs & Job Hunting, Kindness, Knife Crime.
Click below to find more details of services supporting these issues.
(England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
ICO (Information Commissioners Office)
The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. Find out more about our organisation and structure.
'Your identity is one of your most valuable assets. If your identity is stolen, you can lose money and may find it difficult to get loans, credit cards or a mortgage.
Your name, address and date of birth provide enough information to create another ‘you’. An identity thief can use a number of methods to find out your personal information and will then use it to open bank accounts, take out credit cards and apply for state benefits in your name.'
CIFAS (the UK’s Fraud Prevention Service)
You can apply here for protective registration - once registered you should be aware that CIFAS members will carry out extra checks to see when anyone, including you, applies for a financial service, such as a loan, using your address. Registration fee applies.
National Advice Line 0344 411 1444
Gives people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem. Their network of charities offers confidential free advice online, over the phone, and in person on issues such as housing, immigration, law, debt and money, benefits, health and more.
Most MPs hold surgeries in their constituency to give people an opportunity to meet them and discuss matters of concern. MPs usually hold surgeries once a week and advertise them locally or online. A MP may take up an issue on a constituent's behalf. Use this site to find out who your local MP is.
These are sessions where you can speak to your local MP(usually) by appointment to discuss issues affecting them or problems they are facing including issues about benefits or immigration status, a concern about the local area, or a national policy.
Your MP will hear what you have to say and may make suggestions of how to deal with it or may offer to look further into your case to help with a solution.
MONEY SAVING EXPERT - Identity Theft Protection
MSE explains what identity fraud is and steps you can take to protect yourself plus what to do if you have already fallen victim to identity theft.
POLICE - Scotland
(people who live in Scotland).
Give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem. Their network of charities offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.
0800 0564 745
If you or a family member are a EU citizen you need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK after the UK leaves the EU.
To find out more please call the free advice line 0800 0564 745
This is open Monday to Friday, 10.00am - 4.00pm, and you can speak to an advisor who can provide help and support.
For more information about applying, click here.
This project can provide one off advice via email mcpadvice@coramclc.org; connects you to expert advice from a solicitor, legal advice on issues affecting children or young people subject to immigration control.
Читайте українською | Читайте на русском | Polski
A group of volunteer legal professionals with immigration and asylum expertise. We are providing a free service to connect Ukrainian citizens (and others fleeing Ukraine) with free legal advice on UK immigration, visas and asylum from qualified and regulated lawyers.
Charity offering advice and information about the UK immigration and asylum system.
RIGHTS OF WOMEN: Immigration and Asylum Law Line - 020 7490 7689
For women who need advice on their immigration status including immigration law including domestic violence, long residence and family life; rights of Europeans and their families in the UK, asylum, trafficking, financial support options.
Settled provides information, advice and support services to help EU citizens who have made a home in the UK. Advisers speak a total of 23 languages. Services include:
- Telephone advice-lines in English, Bulgarian, French, Italian, Polish Romanian, Slovak and Spanish
- Facebook online advice forums in Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak & Czech and Spanish.
- Online interactive information sessions
You may also find it useful to look at other sections of this directory including equality and gender identity.
Video supporting diversity and inclusion.
You may also find it helpful to look at additional resources in other sections of this Directory including T for toilet issues or A for Anxiety.
0161 214 4591.
Contact for advice on bladder and bowel health, continence promotion and options for managing incontinence, products, as well as signposting to services.
Link here to their Resources Library.
ERIC - The Children's Bowel & Bladder Charity 0808 169 9949
ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health and to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families.
BBC IDEAS - How It Feels To Be Human Series: The Quiet Power of Introverts
In this beautiful animation, Sofja Umarik (who is herself an introvert) makes the case that introversion is a gift, not a flaw.
Whether you are looking for a job, trying to get a CV or cover letter together or considering setting up your own business, check out the links below to find support. You may also want to check out our A-Z Directory under the sections for Careers and Apprenticeships too.
ACAS 0300 123 1100
Acas is an independent public body that receives funding from the government. They offer a helpline and resources and provide free and impartial advice to employers, employees and their representatives on employment rights, best practice and policies, resolving workplace conflict.
ADHD UK - ADHD & Work Welfare Pack for Employers & ADHD Employees
A welfare pack to help people with ADHD in the workplace to help educate on what it means to have ADHD in the workplace, and to aid the conversation between an employer and an employee with ADHD, with the aim of increasing mutual understanding and to help identify helpful reasonable accommodations.
ADULT ADHD UK - UK Guide for Employers
A useful leaflet giving guidance on what can help employers support their neurodiverse workforce.
Advice and information if you have queries or concerns about employment rights including status, contracts, hours, pay and sick pay, grievance and disciplinary hearings.
DWP (Department of Work & Pensions) - Access to Work Scheme
The DWP Access to Work scheme can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability. The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:
- a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
- support with managing your mental health at work
- money to pay for communication support at job interviews
GOV UK - Joining A Trade Union
A guide to the benefits and purposes of a Trade Union and how to join. A trade union is an organisation with members who are usually workers or employees. It looks after their interests at work by doing things like:
- negotiating agreements with employers on pay and conditions
- discussing big changes like large scale redundancy
- discussing members’ concerns with employers
- going with members to disciplinary and grievance meetings
Find out more at this government site.
NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) projects in London. Are you aged 16-24 and currently not in education, employment or training?
Wherever you live in London and whatever your interests and abilities Groundworks have a range of free accredited training opportunities to help you get the skills you need to stand out and succeed.
While you’re taking part in one of their industry-specific training courses, their Employment Advisors will also offer you personal coaching and support over the phone and online. They can also set you up with job interviews after you’ve completed your training.
Help you get skilled up for a range of careers from Hospitality to Business Administration, or if you’d prefer to work outside in the open air, you could join City & Guilds Level 1 course in Practical Horticulture Skills. Whichever training course or career path you choose, they’re able to support you in improving your maths or english or developing your tech skills or communication skills.
LVN support 14-24 year olds and run a series of programmes in schools and youth clubs across London, offer free online mentoring via their app and have a database of over 2300 opportunities and activities for young people listed on our app and website. Includes mentoring schemes to help 14-24 year olds find work including help with CV's.
A charity dedicated to providing careers advice and support to young people, from disadvantaged backgrounds. If you are aged 16-21 and would like to speak to someone about your educational or employment pathways such as help creating a good application for uni or an an apprenticeship or creating a CV contact MyBigCareer - simply fill in a form on their website to request help - link here.
MY TUTOR - How to write a cracking cover letter and CV
Blog post with top tips to help you create a winning CV or cover letter when applying for a job.
0800 842 842 or live online chat.
A charity that helps 11 to 30 year-olds to find the tools and confidence to try free courses and start careers. Open to 11-30. year olds across the UK no matter if they have been facing some serious issues such as homelessness or if they've been in trouble with the law.
Advice with creating a CV, interview top tips, educational programmes and more.
TUC (Trades' Union Congress)
The TUC represents most major unions in the UK and provides information about the work and role of unions who work to protect workers rights - explains what they are, how to join and a handy union finder locator tool (link here) to help you find the right union for you.
An independent organisation giving young people skills, careers support and tools to fulfil their potential. A Skills and Careers Hub provides 14-24 year olds with free resources, advice and guidance with practical tools to support young people through education, transition into employment and beyond in a process of lifelong learning.
Essential skills to master virtual recruitment interviews, remote working and 'on-boarding'.
WEST LONDON ALLIANCE - West London Guide to Supported Internships
Click on the image below to go to the West London Alliance's downloadable guide to supported internships for 2023 which are open to applicants with moderate learning disabilities (MLD) who are aged between 18 and 24 on 31 August 2023 (some take applicants at 16) and who are keen to be offered paid employment (not necessarily at the host business or organisation) at the end of the programme.
'Supported Internships are designed to
develop transferable skills, knowledge
and attitudes in preparation for paid
employment. Through training and direct
work experience young people will develop
employability skills, self-confidence, job-specific skills and Maths, English and ICT
skills whilst working alongside employees in a real employment setting'.
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" - Mark Twain.
Why not make yourself (or a friend) a 'Kindness Kit', a support box for difficult days?
Kindness UK aim to make kindness a part of our day and to promote the many positive benefits of kindness to health and the overall wellbeing of society.
Get inspired with ideas and stories and ways to be kind to yourself and others. RAK is a small, non profit organisation that invests resources into 'making kindness the norm'. They believe that all people can connect through kindness and that kindness can be taught. RAK follow a simple framework for everything they do. Inspire -> Empower -> Act -> Reflect -> Share.
The positive benefits of kindness on wellbeing are proven - Watch this short RAK video on the science of Kindness!
KINDFULNESS PRACTICES with the 'Kindness Tsar'
Combining mindfulness with kindness as a focus to create a powerful practice that can help to reduce stress and bring wellbeing benefits.
Kindness Planner - Nuffield Health
Link here to a handy Kindness Planner created by Nuffield Health.
Book/Animated Film: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse
Author and illustrator Charley Mackesey creates a wonderful illustrated book/animated film about hope, courage and the power of kindness. Link to the film on BBC player here!
“We often wait for kindness...but being kind to yourself can start now.”
'We are not kind to be noticed. We are kind because it is the right thing to do'. - Marcus Rashford MBE
You may also find it helpful to look at other resources in this HYCS A-Z directory including C for Crime and G for Gangs.
Fearless is a 24/7 site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. Fearless can also provide you with a safe place to give information to them about crime via an online form - 100% anonymously.