Welcome to the Self Help Hub's guide to supporting services & resources - listed under this section E are resources supporting the following subject areas: Eating Issues, Eco Anxiety & Eco Distress, Edibles, Empathy, Environment, Epilepsy, Emergency & Emotional Crisis, Equality, Estrangement, Exams, Exclusion, Exercise.
You may also find it useful to look at our HYCS' Food and Mood Pocket Guide.
For parents - also check out additional HYCS' support resources (link here).
Support for parents of children and teens with an eating disorder.
Youthline - 0808 801 0677
Studentline - 0808 801 0811
Main line England - 0808 801 0677
Main line Scotland - 0808 801 0432
Main line Wales - 0808 801 0433
Northern Ireland - 0808 801 0434
B-eat are the UK's eating disorder charity, a champion, guide and friend to anyone affected, giving individuals experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to, supported and empowered.
B-EAT - Ramadan & Eating Disorders Guide
A guide by Dr Omara Naseem to help those with an eating disorder observing Ramadan.
BOY ANOREXIA - Boys Get Eating Disorders Too
Support, comfort, information and some words of advice for anyone concerned about a boy or young man’s eating habits and exercise patterns.
CCI HEALTH - Disordered Eating Resources
A range of free resources to support anyone with disordered eating.
Canadian site with useful information and resources to support parents and individuals with eating issues.
MIND - Types of Eating Disorder
Information from leading mental health charity.
Information about Eating Disorders.
TALK-ED (Formerly Anorexia & Bulimia Care)
Talk ED are a national charity supporting anyone affected by any eating disorder or eating distress. They will meet you wherever you are in your journey, with personalised support. Go online to book a call - 1:1 support calls available via telephone, video or online chat which provide a safe space for you to ask questions and share your concerns for either yourself or a loved one.
- Boys Get Anorexia Too - E Book
E book about coping with Male Eating Disorders in the Family by Jenny Langley.
- Do Men Get Eating Disorders - Film
Watch a film here about men and eating disorders.
LOCAL SUPPORT - Hounslow Borough
Offer assessment and treatment to young people under 18 years who are registered with a GP in the boroughs of Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith and Fulham who have or are suspected to have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders not otherwise specified. Referrals can be made by a professional clinician. They also accept self-referrals, but require a GP to see the young person for the physical health review - this information will need to be included in the referral form.
West London community eating disorders service is a specialist outpatient service which offers assessment, treatment and monitoring for people aged 18 and over with conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. - link to leaflet here.
What is eco anxiety?
Also referred to as eco distress this refers to worries and anxiety on hearing bad news about the environment and plant, such as concern about global warming, extreme weather events or harm to the natural world.
GREENPEACE - Tips to Manage Eco Anxiety
A youth social action group to help young people make a positive change.
RCJ (Royal College of Psychiatrists) - Eco Distress Guide
This information resource is for children and young people, their parents, carers, teachers and other people who might support them. It looks at eco distress, what actions you can take to look after yourself and how you can get more help
YOUNG MINDS - How to Cope with Climate Anxiety
The Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE) is a charity that encourages young people’s understanding of the environment. It aims to give young people (and an increasing number of adults) clear and balanced information on a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, plastic pollution, deforestation and endangered species. This enables them to make informed decisions about how to live their lives in a way that gives greater priority to the preservation of the natural world.
What are 'Edibles'?
Edibles are any food products (including sweets, cakes, shakes and biscuits) that contain cannibis and which typically contain both THC and CBD.
Edibles and Safety
They may not contain what you think they do so the effects can be unpredictable - the amount of cannibis in an edible may vary hugely and other harmful drugs may also have been added. This means that it is easy to overdose. They may also react negatively with other medications or alcohol.
Absorption of edibles takes longer (as it's absorbed into the bloodstream through the liver) so may take 1-3 hours to take effect. Again, this may lead people to overdose by thinking that its 'not working'.
Overdose of edibles leads to unpleasant side effects including paranoia, nausea, hallucinations, panic attacks and impaired mobility.
Regular cannabis use can negatively affect brain development, heart health, memory and cognition. Used over a long time it can increase the risk of developing teen schizophrenia and affects memory and learning.
Medical Help
If you are concerned about the medical health of someone who has had edibles - please either call 111 (NHS) or 999 in an emergency.
For information and support about drugs , including edibles, take a look at the following sites:
FRANK 0800 776600 or text phone for hard of hearing to 0800 917 8765
'Honest information about drugs' - Talk to Frank for facts, support and confidential advice on drugs and alcohol.
Link to news article about cannabis edibles here.
ADFAM - 020 7553 7640
Support for people with a family member who takes drugs or alcohol, helping to find local support groups.
Regional charity for South West London providing information and services for 13-19 year olds on a variety of issues including drugs and alcohol.
Dorset based charity offering local services in that area - website offers information across a wide range of topics.
Offer free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health - help for you, or if you are worried about someone else.
In times of crisis or emotional crisis, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of sources of support out there.
Help in an emergency- 999
You can call 999 to access the emergency services (police, ambulance or fire service).
Use 999 for urgent help and concerns about your immediate safety when it's a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
999 BSL is the name of the UK’s first ever Emergency Video Relay Service in British Sign Language (BSL). The service is available to download as a smartphone app (iOS and Android) and access as a web-based platform.
- click here for the information video.
If you're not sure what to do:
Call NHS 111 who can help if you need urgent medical help or you're not sure what to do. They will ask questions about your symptoms so you get the help you need.
Emotional Crisis:
Download the pdf of the HYCS pocket guide for Emotional Crisis here.
Worried about how you are feeling or concerned for a friend?
Many organisations are available to offer support by phone, text or online chat and help is often available 24/7. So, if you need to talk here are some options to try:
24/7 HELP:
CHILDLINE (under 18's) 0800 1111
SAMARITANS (any age) 116 123
YOUNG MINDS CRISIS MESSENGER Text YM to 85258 (Text Service)
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE (Refuge) - 0808 2000 247
FRANK - 0800 77 66 00
(drugs information and support)
AFC (Anna Freud) CRISIS MESSENGER isis Messenger - text AFC to 85258 (text service)
CRISIS LINES LONDON - Find an Urgent Mental Health Crisis Line
Every London mental health trust has put in place a 24/7 crisis line for people of all agews which are free and can provide advice and support 365 days a year.
Befrienders Worldwide have a network of members and volunteers around the world who provide confidential support to people in emotional crisis or distress, or those close to them.. Search their contact us page for details of support in your country.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
0800 568858 or 0808 802 5858
(support for young men/men with suicidal feelings)
support for students, check here to search for nightline services in your training establishment).
PAPYRUS HOPELINE UK - 0800 068 4141 or text 209697
(Helping to prevent young suicide).
HOPE AGAIN UK - 0808 808 1677 (bereavement)
NHSN (National Self Harm Network)
(Online forum to reduce emotional distress)
SWITCHBOARD LGBT+ - 0300 330 0630
- Friends, family member or teacher, speak to someone you can trust.
- Get in touch with your GP or contact NHS 111 for non-emergency care and advice.
HYCS (Hounslow Youth Counselling Service)
020 8568 1818 or text 0778 4481 308 to book a 1-2-1 counselling session if you are 11-25 and live work or study in Hounslow Borough.
- CAMHS Duty Line (Hounslow Borough) - 020 8483 2050
Advice for anyone concerned about an under 18
- Early Help Hounslow (EHH) - 0208 583 6600 option 1 for advice, guidance or access to Early Intervention Service.
Crisis Lines London - Find an Urgent Mental Health Crisis Line
Every London mental health trust has put in place a 24/7 crisis line for people of all agews which are free and can provide advice and support 365 days a year.
What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA short film, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
The Wildlife Trusts have launched their Wilder Futures campaign with a special message from David Attenborough - watch the powerful video here featuring Badger, Ratty, Mole and Toad (Wind in the Willows) and hopefully you may be inspired to get involved to bring our wildlife back.
This group is concerned with the environment and the consequences of rubbish/single use plastic. They arrange regular 'plogs' which are run/walk and rubbish pick ups to get rubbish off the streets and away from our rivers. They have also set up school plogging clubs which allow children to get involved and become passionate about cleaning up their local environment. Contact them if you would like to set up a plog in your school.
0808 800 5050
Support and information about epilepsy.
01494 601400
Information including a section for young people about epilepsy covering aspects such as how it may affect your life, education, relationships, driving or worklife.
Helpline 01342 831342
Support information and advice enabling children and young people with epilepsy and related conditions to thrive and reach their ambitions.
BRAIN AND SPINE FOUNDATION Epilepsy Factsheet - Download Here.
Zach's Law - Online Safety Bill
Makes the intentional sending of flashing images to a person with epilepsy with the intention to cause that person a seizure an offence under the Online Safety Bill.
"Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability." - quote source: Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Equality Act 2010 makes it an offence to discriminate on the basis of nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
The EHRC is about promoting and upholding equality and human rights ideals and laws across England, Scotland and Wales. They can provide support and advice about this for individuals and organisations.
EASS - Equality Advisory Support Service
The EASS has a Helpline to give information and guidance on discrimination and human rights issues. The service is free and fully accessible by phone, email, fax, post, video link for those who wish use BSL and has access to advocacy services for those with mental ill health and people with a learning disability.
ACAS 0300 123 1100
Acas is an independent public body that receives funding from the government.
They offer a helpline and resources and provide free and impartial advice to employers, employees and their representatives on employment rights, best practice and policies, resolving workplace conflict.
SCOPE 0808 800 3333
The disability equality charity in England and Wales who can provide practical information and emotional support when it's most needed. Provide support on all aspects of living with disability including benefits, jobs and careers, legal advice and debt.
You may also find it helpful to look under other sections of this directory such as A for Abuse, L for Legal, H for Honour Based Abuse, M for Money & Finance, P for Poverty and S for Student Life.
A charity dedicated to helping children and young people in crisis in the UK: those living in financial hardship and dealing with multiple challenging social issues. Offer Chances for Children Grants to those in need. Their grants offer a 'holistic funding package designed to meet the multiple needs of vulnerable children and young people. The grants meet immediate practical needs by paying for household items, but also meet a child’s longer-term educational and emotional needs'.
Follow this link to check eligibility for and help with grants.
0808 800 0661
Free advice for 16-25 year olds in England on your rights and options if you are homeless or about to lose your home.
0800 5999 247
Honour Based Abuse Helpline 0800 5999 247
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm.
If you are in immediate danger call 999
If you are being pressured to get married against your will or fear to bring shame or dishonour on your family, have been emotionally or physically abused or fear being disowned you can talk in confidence to Karma Nirvana.
Advice and information about leaving home and family problems and where to get help if you are homeless or have to leave your home.
- Stand Alone Podcast - link here.
Stand Alone support adults who are estranged and produce a range of useful guides including to student finance options and checklists.
UCAS - Estranged Students' Guide
If you’re considering university and you don’t have support from your parents due to a breakdown in your relationship (also known as being ‘estranged’), you will find everything you need to know here.
Support for students who have been estranged or are care experienced including funding for uni' accommodation.
Watch their video - link here.
For further information about the Summer Exams (GCSE's and A Levels or equivalent) you may also like to look at this Summer Exam guide here or look at other sections of this directory such as apprenticeships, careers and more.
Download the HYCS' Exam Stress leaflet in the Self Help Hub for resources and tips to help with Exam Stress.
Download their free Exam Anxiety Guide - Link here
Or read Anxiety UK's Top Tips for Managing Exam Stress - link here.
Top tips for managing stress and anxiety from Anxiety experts to help you manage your worries and focus on getting the best results you can.
BBC SOUNDS - Bitesize Exam Survivors
From how to stay focused during revision to getting the best out of exam day, our experts and exam survivors bring you a toolbox full of tips to help you keep calm and study on.
Advice, plans, revision tips - everything you need to improve your revision technique for exams.
BBC BITESIZE - Revision App
for 14-16 year olds - see App Zone
CENTRE 33 - Exam Stress Guide
Download a useful guide to managing exam stress here.
Please also see our guide to support resources for results day 2020 here.
CHARLIE WALLER TRUST - Looking After Yourself During Your GCSE's leaflet
This guide available as a hard copy or free digital download is part of a series about taking an emotionally healthy approach to GCSEs. This is the pupil guide, and others are available for teachers, parents and carers. The guides are packed with practical tips and ideas to support young people before, during and after exam time. Although written in reference to GCSEs, the content can be applied to any exam.
Free sign up to this platform for digital learning content in order to empower educators and learners to reach their full potential. Revision tips - link here.
MIND - 14 Ways to Manage Exam Stress
Tips to help you manage your wellbeing during exams.
OFQAL - Coping with Exam Pressure
A guide to help you if you are worried about exams and experiencing stress.
(Free with in app purchases - check subs rates. Create your own flashcard sets or choose from millions created by other students. Test yourself with practice problems and seven study modes that can help you feel more prepared. Solve the toughest textbook problems with Quizlet explanations, millions of step-by-step textbook solutions written by experts and double checked for accuracy. Get personalised study paths and track your progress with the Quizlet Learning Assistant.
Students' mental health charity who offer resources for dealing with exam stress.
To help you prepare for your exams, take a look through The Student Room's collection of advice articles and discussion forums. You'll find study help forums with discussions on specific GCSE and A-level exams, as well as general chat about each subject; there is also advice from experts on managing exam stress, life hacks to help you deal with procrastination and tons of tips from students who have already taken their exams.
TES 2022 - ide to GCSE's
Exam dates, timetables and key information such as what to do if you are ill/miss an exam, appeals process and more.
YOUNG MINDS - Coping with Exam Stress Guide
Pressure to do well in exams can be overwhelming and affect your mental health - link above to go Young Mind's Exam Stress advice if it's all getting a bit too much.
- Yes You Can - How To Ace Your Exams Without Losing Your Mind by Natasha Devon
Mental health campaigner and exam expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you not just how to stay calm in the face of exams, but also how you can absolutely smash them.
* Learn how your brain works – understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties
* Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own revision schedule
* It's not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques
* Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniques.
You may also find it helpful to consult other areas in this directory such as Law and Disability for further information and resources.
ADVISORY CENTRE FOR EDUCATION (ACE) - Advice and Education Training
0300 0115 142
Parents'/Pupils' advice line
ACE provide independent advice and information for parents on education issues in England. Their advice and information is based on current education law and guidance and covers state funded education for children aged 5-16 years in England only. Advice and information aims to give parents up to date knowledge of law and guidance as well as practical advice on how to work with their child's school to resolve any concerns.
Information for pupils attending school in England about when a child can be excluded and the obligations of the school to review an exclusion and the right to appeal an exclusion.
Information about what to expect and how to cope with a school exclusion.
National charity offering support, advice and information for anyone affected by Autism. Services include the NAS school exclusion helpline 0808 800 402.
Provide free advocacy to help parents appeal against their child’s permanent exclusion in England. We specialise in disability discrimination and cases where the child has special educational needs.
You may also find it helpful to check out other sections of the HYCS website including 'Get Moving' in the self care kit area of this website.
Instructor-led exercise workouts lasting from 10-45 minutes - from aerobics and pilates to yoga and belly dancing.
020 8973 3530
Friendly local support to a healthier you. There are things we can all do towards looking after our physical and mental health. Join in with the at home classes in their Get Active Scheme here. If you live in Hounslow Borough, call and speak to one of the friendly health advisors to find the support that’s right for you.