Use the links below to access our Parents' & Carers' support directory of information guides and support services specifically targeted at parents and carers. You may also find it helpful to check out our comprehensive main A-Z Support & Services Directory of services across a range of issues and concerns for young people.
Please also check out the extensive bereavement support sources and information in the HYCS' Young Persons' Directory under B - link here.
YOU GOV Step by Step Guide
Practical step by guide explaining what to do when someone dies - from registering the death to arranging the funeral and informing the authorities.
YOUNG MINDS - A Parents' Guide To Supporting A Young Person after Loss/Bereavement
Information, advice and tips for where you can find support if your child has experienced a bereavement or loss.
NSPCC ADULT HELPLINE - 0808 800 5000
If you are worried about a young person, you can call them for free advice.
- Nonviolent Communication -- A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides) by Marshall Rosenberg
- Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids by Hart and Kindle Hodson
More than a tool to correct bad behavior, this handbook urges parents to move beyond typical discipline techniques by creating an environment based on mutual respect, emotional safety, and positive, open communication. The seven outlined principles redefine the parent-dominated family by teaching parents how to achieve mutual parent/child respect without being submissive, set firm limits without using demands or coercion, and empower children to open up, cooperate, and realize their own innate potential.
AFASIC - Parents’ Helpline 0300 666 9410 Support for children and young people with speech and language difficulties. Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments.
Provide free advocacy to help parents appeal against their child’s permanent exclusion in England. Specialise in disability discrimination and cases where the child has special educational needs.
National helpline: 0808 808 3555
For Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) issues, you can contact SENDIASS to get impartial and confidential advice, covering educational matters, social care and health entitlements, information and support.
Local - Hounslow Borough Contact:
020 8583 2607
Drug education charity with information for parents and young people.
DRUGFAM 0300 888 3853
Provides a seven day a week lifeline of safe, caring and professional support to families, friends, partners and significant others who are struggling to cope with a loved one’s addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling. They also support those bereaved by drugs, alcohol, gambling and related causes.
Through a range of services, which also include education and awareness, they support families to break free from the cycle of addiction and rebuild their lives.
I Wish I Had Known - by Fiona Spargo-Mabb
'I Wish I’d Known interweaves the story of one family’s terrible loss to drugs with calm, measured and practical advice for parents. It explores the risks posed by illegal drugs, and explains the way the adolescent brain makes decisions. There is practical advice for staying safe, information on reducing harm, and ‘talking points’ for parents and their children to do, talk about, look at, look up or consider.'
EVA MUSBY - EATING DISORDERS BITESIZE - Eating Disorders Bitesize Audio Collection
If you're too busy or overwhelmed to read, try the Bitesize collection - listen individually or buy the entire collection of 250 mini audio soundbites about managing eating disorders. Includes...
How to talk to your son or daughter about starting treatment
Supporting your child to eat: what, how much, how?
Exposure therapy methods to expand your child's flexibility
The all-important Phase 2 after refeeding: all the way to complete recovery
Communication skills for compassionate persistence and loving connection
Working with health providers (even when you disagree)
Tools for your own wellbeing and resilience
- Anorexia and other Eating Disorders: How to Help your Child Eat Well and Be Well
Practical solutions, compassionate communication tools and emotional support for parents of children and teenagers.
ADVISORY CENTRE FOR EDUCATION (ACE) Advice and Education Training
0300 0115 142 - Parents/Pupils advice line
Provide independent advice and information for parents on education issues in England. Their advice and information is based on current education law and guidance and covers state funded education for children aged 5-16 years in England only. Advice and information aims to give parents up to date knowledge of law and guidance as well as practical advice on how to work with their child's school to resolve any concerns.
Provide free advocacy to help parents appeal against their child’s permanent exclusion in England. Specialise in disability discrimination and cases where the child has special educational needs.
National helpline: 0808 808 3555
For Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) issues, you can contact SENDIASS to get impartial and confidential advice, covering educational matters, social care and health entitlements, information and support.
Local - Hounslow Borough Contact:
020 8583 2607
For parents/carers in the community struggling with children who may be at risk of or have experienced violence, criminal exploitation, school exclusion,
arrest, challenging behaviours and other issues. Led by trained parent/carers with lived experience who can also support those who may have difficulty navigating systems of education, criminal justice & statutory services such as social or family care.
EHCAP Ltd - All Emotions Are OK by S E Temple, (e book)
Free e-book for download - a book to help parents and caregivers explore and talk about emotions and feelings. At stressful times, instead of punishing or dismissing a child the emotion coaching approach involves emotionally connecting, discussing and exploring feelings, labelling emotions and reflecting on them before problem solving.
Emotion coaching calls for parents and caregivers to develop insight into their own emotions (emotion literacy) and this book aims to support this by providing easy to remember metaphors that are useful for everyone.
For those affected by gambling including friends and families - Gam-Anon hold in-person meetings for anyone who has been affected by a loved one’s gambling
GamFam offer support through GRA5P – The GamFam Recovery and Support Programme. GRA5P is a structured 5-stage self-help peer support programme.
If anyone has issues around their gambling, or wants to support anyone who may be struggling with their gambling, please contact Red Card who can help you get the support you need.
YGAM (Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust)
Parents can access the YGAM Parents' Hub here for information and advice. YGAM is an educational charity aiming to provide the tools and information to build resilience, inform, educate and safeguard young people about the potential harms of Gaming and Gambling. It does not provide direct treatment or support but has an extensive directory and resources for schools, universities and youth organisations to help people to get the support they need.
MISSING PEOPLE - Safecall 116000
If you are caught up in a gang or going country or are a family member worried about your loved one being involved with a gang, contact Safecall for support. SafeCall is a free, 24/7 confidential helpline or you can email
NSPCC Dedicated Helpline: Gangs 0808 800 5000
You can speak to the NSPCC if you're worried about a young person who is involved in or at risk from gangs.
For parents/carers in the community struggling with children who may be at risk of or have experienced violence, criminal exploitation, school exclusion,
arrest, challenging behaviours and other issues. Led by trained parent/carers with lived experience who can also support those who may have difficulty navigating systems of education, criminal justice & statutory services such as social or family care.
GINGERBREAD 0808 802 0925
Free call, support and expert advice for lone parents.
Information, training and video resources about autism with world leading experts on Autism Dr Tony Attwood and Dr Michelle Garnett.
One of the world's foremost experts on autism spectrum offers a guide for parents, professionals and people with Asperger's Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 and their partners.
Includes video Q&A's, podcasts and book extracts including on topics such as Autism In Girls.
Helpful information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics for young people including sections for 11-18 year olds and primary school age children, plus a section for parents and professionals.
Check out the range of courses available for Hounslow residents aged 19+ with Learn Hounslow including online parenting courses.
CHARLIE WALLER TRUST/CORAY- A Support Guide for Parents & Carers
A practical guide to help parents and carers in having helpful, open, honest and empathetic conversations with a young person about their thoughts and feelings.
0808 800 2222
Free, confidential helpline offering information and support on any aspect of parenting and family life.
The Hounslow Family Information Service (FIS) is an information and signposting service for parents, carers, young people and professionals who are looking for local support and services for children aged 0-19 years.
Managed by IFS Hounslow, information and support for families with children and young people in the London Borough of Hounslow.
The FIS offer a telephone and web service, providing information for parents, parents to be, carers and professionals to help support children up to their 20th birthday or 25th birthday if a child has a disability.
Expert staff and trained volunteers can provide support to parents, working alongside families to give non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential support across a range of issues.
Homestart - Richmond, Kingston & Hammersmith - link here.
Check out the range of courses available for Hounslow residents aged 19+ with Learn Hounslow including online parenting courses.
Courses include (click links to access leaflet)
- Understanding Children' Mental Health
- Supporting Children's Emotional Development
- Keeping Your Children Safe Online
NSPCC - Positive Parenting Leaflet
This guide shares practical advice and tips for positive parenting techniques that work well for children - from babies to teenagers. These techniques encourage better behaviour and help parents find out what works for them and their child.
NSPCC - Parental Support
'There's no such thing as a perfect parent. One day all's calm, the next it's chaos.' However it's going, the NSPCC are here with advice and support for parents and carers.
Free confidential information and advice, for adults worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a young person up to age 25.
A book that tells us what really matters and what behaviour it is important to avoid - the vital dos and don'ts of parenting.Instead of mapping out the 'perfect' plan, Perry offers a non-judgemental, big-picture look at the elements that lead to good parent-child relationships.
NSPCC - Mental health and Parenting
Support if you find that your mental health is affecting how you cope with family life.
CHARLIE WALLER TRUST - Asking for Help (Adults)
WOMEN'S AID - Guide to Controlling Behaviour In Relationships
If as a parent or guardian you are concerned that your child may be in an unhealthy, controlling relationship download this guide for parents. Advice about healthy relationships, information and support for when things go wrong.
You may find it useful to check out the Self Care Kit section of the HYCS website for other ideas to support your own wellbeing as a parent or carer - link here.
YOUNG MINDS - Parents' Guide to Looking After Your Mental Health
Tips for looking after your child while also looking after yourself.
- Coping With Self Harm leaflet for parents and carers.
Support young people by using the C.A.R.E. Kit following CALM's free, short course.
HEALTH TALK - Parents' Experiences of Self Harm (Resources/Information)
Outlines why young people may self harm, how to respond and offers resources and information for parents.
PAPYRUS: Supporting Your Child - Suicide and Self Harm , A Guide for Parents
The aim of this guide is to provide information and guidance and
to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with
thoughts of suicide.
STEM 4 - Talking to Your Teenager About Self Harm
Simple steps to help you talk to your teenager about self harm, safely and calmly.
WINSTON'S WISH - Explaining Suicide to a Child
Telling a child someone they love has died is difficult enough, but explaining that they died by suicide can be even harder. Often adults don’t want to talk about suicide, but Winston's Wish know from experience that it is better to tell a child or young person the truth in a way that they will understand. So, the expert team at Winston’s Wish offer guidance on how to explain a suicide
Download HYCS' free guide (pictured above) to support resources and top tips for parents and carers supporting someone with mental health difficulties.
Combined Minds is an app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr. Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, to help families and friends support young people with their mental health.
When a child or young person has a diagnosed mental health condition, families and friends want to support them in the best way but also know when to step back. Combined Minds helps families and friends to find ways to provide the right environment to help the individuals they support affect their own change. As important influencers in the lives of young people, this provides positive impact on their mental health.
NHS - Every Mind Matters
Guide to looking after the mental health of a child or young person.
YOUNG MINDS - Parents' Guide to CAMHS
A guide for parents and carers of young people under 18 about NHS mental health support for children and young people, known as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or CYPMHS (Children and Young People's Mental Health Services), including how to access and work with services.
Hounslow Borough Resources:
Family Information Service (FIS) & Directory (FID) - 020 8583 3470 Information service & directory for parents/carers of young people aged 0-19 in Hounslow Borough.
CAMHS: Duty Line, Hounslow Borough - 020 8483 2050 Daily from 12.00hrs – 14.00hrs.
(Child Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Early Help Hounslow - 0208 583 6600 option 1
Information service for parents/carers of young people aged 0-19.
MIND - Guide to Talking to an 11-18 year old about their mental health
A guide for parents, carers, family members and guardians on how to talk to young people about their mental health and wellbeing.
NHS - Advice for Parents - Talking About Emotions
NHS - Talking to your teenager
Information for parents about talking to a child about their feelings and emotions.
- Brainstorm - the Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by D Siegel (2014)
In the NYT bestseller Brainstorm, 'Siegel illuminates how brain development impacts teenagers' behavior and relationships. Drawing on important new research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology, he explores exciting ways in which understanding how the teenage brain functions can help parents make what is in fact an incredibly positive period of growth, change, and experimentation in their children's lives less lonely and distressing on both sides of the generational divide.'
NYT bestseller -
- E Book: My Teen Brain – 10 Things you need to know - John Coleman
Help encourage healthy brain development in the critical teen years with this handy downloadable guide by Dr J Coleman.
- Video: Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Teenage Brain
- Video - RAK: Dan Siegels Teen Brain Development Animation
- Book: The Anxious Generation - Jonathan Haidt - Book
'How the great rewiring of childhood is causing mental illness' according to researcher Johnathan Haidt.
CHILDREN'S SOCIETY - Trauma and Young People, A Guide for Parents, Carers and Professionals
This guide has been developed to help parents, carers and professionals supporting children and young people affected by traumatic events or experience